A Majority of Websites Prefer Linux Hosting and There are Definite Reasons Behind It.

Linux Hosting

Linux still holds a prime spot in the web hosting market. A majority of websites prefer Linux hosting and there are definite reasons behind it. You should consider these factors before choosing a hosting service for your website.

Why you should opt for Linux hosting?

Online businesses have to think about cost cutting to make their business economically viable and also to stay in competition. Linux hosting service comes at cheaper price since Linux is free and hence it has become popular as a hosting solution. Moreover, Linux is reliable too. Thus affordability and reliability make Linux the easy choice for most companies.

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Linux is not only flexible but very efficient. As a platform for web hosting it is very strong and runs fast too. It is compatible with a lot of powerful tools like Perl, MySQL and PHP. This also makes it more acceptable.

Linux has been built as an open source system and hence a lot of people were involved in its creation. This has made it user-friendly and support is readily available also.

Linux offers sound security and is very stable for long stretches of time. The downtime is very low and the system does not require rebooting. So security and stability are two important features that have made it so popular in the web world.

Big businesses look for stability, low maintenance, security and scalability and flexibility. Fortunately Linux provides all of these and hence is relied as the automatic choice for web hosting. If you go for Linux hosting, you will never regret your decision.